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Car Rental Car Rental Terms
Article 1 (Application of Terms)
1. The company leases the rental car (hereinafter referred to as "rental car") to the lessee in accordance with the provisions of this article, and the lessee leases it. If the lessee falls under Item 3 of Article 8 and appoints a driver different from the lessee, he must inform the driver of the driver's due matters in this article and require the driver to abide by the provisions of this article. In addition, matters not stipulated in the terms and conditions shall be handled in accordance with laws or general practices.
2. The company may accept the special contract on the premise that it does not violate the purpose of the terms and conditions, laws, administrative notices and general practices. In the case of a contract, the contract takes precedence over the terms.
Chapter 2 Appointment
Article 2 (Application for Reservation)
1. When the lessee wants to rent a rental car, he should first agree to the terms and the fee schedule stipulated by the company, and then follow the method stipulated by the company to indicate in advance the model grade, rental start date and time, rental location, rental period, and return location , the driver, whether other car accessories such as child seats are needed, and other rental conditions (hereinafter referred to as "rental conditions"), and then you can apply for an appointment. In addition, the minibus needs to indicate the driving range or destination, the number of users and the purpose of use, etc. in advance before applying for an appointment.
2. When the lessee applies for an appointment, the company shall, in principle, satisfy the appointment within the scope of the rental car owned by the company. In this case, unless otherwise permitted by the Company, the lessee shall pay the reservation application fee stipulated by the Company.
Article 3 (Change of Reservation)
When the lessee wants to change the rental conditions in item 1 of the preceding article, he must obtain the prior consent of the company before the lease start date.
Article 4 (Cancellation of reservation, etc.)
1. The lessee and the company can cancel the appointment according to the method stipulated by the company.

Car rental day: free before 14 days

7-13 days before the rental date: 20% of the basic rental fee

1-6 days before the rental date: 30% of the basic rental fee

On the rental day: 50% of the basic rental fee

2. If the lessee, due to the lessee's reasons, fails to sign the car rental contract (hereinafter referred to as "car rental contract") after more than 1 hour past the scheduled rental start time, it will be deemed to have canceled the reservation .
3. In the case of item 2 above, the lessee shall immediately pay the company the reservation cancellation fee specified by the company, and the company shall return the collected reservation application fee to the lessee after receiving the reservation cancellation fee. people.
4. If the appointment is canceled due to the company's reasons, or the car rental contract cannot be signed, the company shall return the reservation application fee collected and pay the liquidated damages stipulated by the company.
5. If the car rental contract cannot be signed due to accidents, theft, non-return, recall, natural disasters and other reasons that are not the responsibility of the lessee or the company, the appointment will be cancelled. In this case, the company shall return the reservation application fee collected to the lessee.
6. When making an online reservation, if the reservation confirmation e-mail sent by the company cannot be sent to the lessee's recorded e-mail address and the lessee cannot be contacted by phone, the company may judge that the reservation is invalid.

Article 5 (Alternative to rental car)
1. If the company is unable to provide the leased car with the vehicle model grade, car accessories, smoking car, non-smoking car, and other specifications (hereinafter referred to as "conditions") reserved by the lessee, it can propose to the lessee to rent and make an appointment Rental cars with different conditions (hereinafter referred to as "alternative rental cars.").
2. If the lessee agrees to the proposal in the preceding paragraph, the company shall provide an alternative rental car with the same rental conditions as at the time of reservation, except for conditions that cannot be met. In addition, if the rental car rental fee of the substitute rental car is higher than the car rental fee of the car model grade at the time of reservation, the car rental fee of the car model grade at the time of reservation shall prevail. If the fee is lower than the rental fee of the car class at the time of reservation, the rental fee of the substitute rental car shall prevail.
3. The lessee may reject the offer to rent an alternative rental car in item 1 and cancel the reservation.
4. In the case of the preceding paragraph, if the failure to provide the rental car in item 1 is caused by the company's responsibility, then the company shall return the reservation application fee that has been collected in accordance with the provisions of item 4 of Article 4. , and pay the liquidated damages stipulated by the company.
5. In the case of item 3, if the reason for the inability to provide the rental car in item 1 is not caused by the company's responsibility, then the reservation shall be canceled according to the provisions of item 5 of Article 4, and the company shall send the The reservation application fee collected shall be returned to the lessee.
Article 6 (Disclaimer)
With regard to the cancellation of the appointment or the failure to sign the car rental contract, the company and the lessee shall not demand any fees from each other except for the circumstances stipulated in Article 4 and Article 5.
Article 7 (Representation of appointment business)
1. Lessees can apply for reservations to travel agencies, cooperative companies, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "agency operators") who handle the reservation business on behalf of the company.
2. The lessee who has applied to the agent in the preceding paragraph can only apply to the agent to change or cancel the reservation. Regarding changes to reservations, it is necessary to obtain the consent of our company through the agent.
Chapter 3 Car Rental Contract
Article 8 (Conclusion of the rental contract)
1. The lessee shall clearly state the rental conditions stipulated in Item 1 of Article 2, and the company shall clearly state the rental conditions according to the terms and conditions, fee schedule, etc., and both parties shall sign a rental contract. However, this shall not apply if there is no rental car available for rent or if the lessee or driver falls under any of the circumstances of Article 9, Paragraph 1 or Paragraph 2.
2. After signing the car rental contract, the lessee shall pay the company the rental fee stipulated in Article 11, Item 1. In addition, if the lessee uses discount coupons, coupons issued by agents, etc., they must show or submit these coupons to the company when signing the rental contract.
3. The company will register the basic notice (Note 1) of the supervisory authority in the car rental registration book (original car rental invoice) and the car rental certificate stipulated in Article 14, Item 1, and register the driver's name, address, type of driver's license and The number of the driver's license (Note 2), or a copy of the driver's driver's license, so when signing the rental contract, the lessee will be required to show the driver's license (hereinafter referred to as "driver") designated by the lessee. certificate and submit a copy of it. In this case, if the lessee is the driver himself, he shall present his own driver's license to the company; if the lessee and the driver are different, he shall present the driver's driver's license and submit a copy thereof.

Note 1. The so-called basic notice of the supervisory authority refers to 2 (10) and (11) of the “Basic Notice Regarding Rental Cars” (Ji Lu No. 138, June 13, 1995) of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Directorate of Automobile and Transportation.
Note 2. The so-called driver's license refers to the driver's license stipulated in Article 92 of the Road Traffic Act, the driver's license in Form 14 of the additional form of Article 19 of the Enforcement Rules of the Road Traffic Act, and the international license stipulated in Article 107, Paragraph 2 of the Road Traffic Act. Driver's license or foreign driver's license.
4. When signing the car rental contract, the company may require the lessee and the driver to submit other documents that can prove their identity other than the driver's license, and make copies of the submitted documents. The lessee and the driver must abide by it.
5. When the company signs the car rental contract, it will be required to inform the lessee and the driver of the contact phone number, etc. The lessee and the driver must abide by it.
6. When signing the car rental contract, the company may require the lessee to pay by credit card or cash, or specify other payment methods.
7. Without the consent of the company, the lessee shall not arbitrarily extend the lease period after the conclusion of the contract.
Article 9 (Refusal to sign a rental contract)
1. When the lessee or driver falls under one of the following circumstances, it is deemed impossible to sign the car rental contract.
1. Failure to present the driver's license necessary to drive a rented car, or when the company requests but does not agree to present the driver's license.
2. When it is recognized as a person who smells of alcohol.
3. When it is determined that the person has symptoms of poisoning such as taking marijuana, stimulants, and Thinner Water.
4. There are children under the age of 6 among the passengers, but no child seat is equipped.
5. When identified as belonging to gangsters, violent groups or other anti-social organizations or related persons.
2. When the lessee or driver falls under one of the following circumstances, the company may refuse to sign the car rental contract and cancel the reservation.
1. The driver confirmed at the time of reservation is not the same as the driver at the time of signing the rental contract.
2. In the past car rental process, there is a fact that the car rental fee and other debts owed to the company.
3. When the acts listed in Article 18 occurred during the past car rental process.
4. When the acts listed in Item 6 of Article 19 or Item 1 of Article 24 occurred in the process of renting a car in the past (including renting a car through other car rental business operators).
5. When the fact that auto insurance is not applicable due to violation of car rental terms or insurance terms occurred during the past car rental process.
6. In the transaction with the company, when using violence against the company's employees or other related parties, or making demands beyond the reasonable range, or confronting each other with violent words and deeds.
7. When spreading rumors, using counterfeit products or coercion, thereby damaging the reputation of the company or hindering business.
8. When other conditions stipulated by the company are not met.
9. Other situations where the company judges that it is not suitable for renting out the vehicle.
3. In the case of item 2 above, if the reservation with the lessee has been established, it will be treated as a cancellation of the reservation, and the lessee shall immediately pay the company the reservation cancellation fee stipulated by the company. In addition, after receiving the reservation cancellation fee paid by the lessee, the company shall return the reservation application fee collected to the lessee.
Article 10 (Establishment of the rental contract, etc.)
1. The car rental contract is established after the lessee pays the rental fee to the company and the company hands over the rental car to the lessee. In this case, the reservation application fee collected shall be used as part of the car rental fee.
2. The handover mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be carried out at the leased place clearly stated in Article 2, Item 1, on the lease start date and time.
Article 11 (Car rental fee)
1. The so-called car rental fee refers to the total amount of the following expenses. The company should clearly list the amount or calculation basis of each item in the fee table.
1. Basic Fee
2. Waiver of insurance premiums
3. Special equipment fee (categories attached to the vehicle)
4. Returning the car in another place
5. Fuel or charging fee
6. Vehicle dispatch collection fee
7. Other expenses
2. The basic cost is based on the rental car when the company rents a car to the head of the transportation branch of the local transportation bureau (Hyogo Prefecture is the director of the Hyogo Land Transportation Department of the Kobe Transportation Supervision Department, and Okinawa Prefecture is the director of the Land Transportation Office of the Okinawa General Affairs Bureau. The following Article 14 The same applies to item 1.) The fee for the implementation of the application.
3. If the company revises the car rental fee after making a reservation in accordance with Article 2, the lower car rental fee shall prevail based on the fee at the time of reservation and the fee at the time of rental.
4. The car rental fee shall be determined according to the fee schedule or detailed rules.
Article 12 (Change of Rental Conditions)
1. If the lessee wants to change the rental conditions in Article 8, Item 1 after signing the rental contract, he must obtain the prior consent of the company.
2. If the change of the rental conditions mentioned in the preceding paragraph may affect the company's car rental business, the company may not agree to the change.
Article 13 (Inspection, Preparation and Confirmation)
1. Our company shall conduct inspections in accordance with Article 48 (Periodic Inspection and Maintenance) of the Road Transport Vehicle Act and carry out necessary maintenance before delivering the rental car.
2. When handing over the rental car, our company shall inspect it in accordance with Article 47-2 (daily inspection and maintenance) of the Road Transport Vehicle Act before delivering the rental car.
3. The lessee or driver should confirm whether the inspection and maintenance mentioned in the previous two items have been carried out, and whether the rental car is defective in the inspection of the appearance and spare parts of the car body and spare parts based on the inspection table stipulated by the company, and Whether the rental car meets other rental conditions.
4. If the rental car is found to be in poor condition during the confirmation mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the company shall immediately carry out necessary maintenance, etc.
5. The lessee or the driver shall be responsible for proper installation of child seats, and the company shall not be responsible for the installation of child seats.
Article 14 (Issuance and Carry of Car Rental Certificate, etc.)
1. When handing over a rental car, the company will deliver to the lessee or driver a specified car rental certificate that records the items prescribed by the head of the transportation branch of the local transportation bureau.
2. The lessee or driver must carry the rental car certificate that was delivered as mentioned in the preceding paragraph during the period from the time the rental car is handed over until it is returned to the company (hereinafter referred to as "in use").
3. If the lessee or the driver loses the car rental certificate, he should immediately notify the company of his intention.
4. When returning the rental car, the lessee or the driver shall return the rental certificate to the company at the same time.
Chapter 4 Use
Article 15 (Management Responsibilities)
The lessee or driver shall use and store the rental car with the duty of care of a good manager during the period after receiving the rental car and returning it to the company (hereinafter referred to as "in use").
Article 16 (Electronic Ticket)
1. The lessee is obliged to properly keep and use the electronic tickets (electronic toll cards, etc.) delivered by the company.
2. The lessee can only give the electronic ticket to the lessee or the driver who has declared in advance, and cannot lend it to others (including the lessee's cohabiting relatives).
3. When the car rental terms become invalid for any reason, or the company makes a request, the lessee must immediately return the electronic ticket delivered by the company to the company.
4. If the electronic ticket is lost, stolen, lost or damaged, the lessee should notify the company of the matter as soon as possible.
5. If the event in the preceding paragraph occurs, the lessee shall be responsible for compensating for the loss regardless of whether the cause of the loss is attributable to the lessee, and follow the instructions of the company to pay the compensation.
Article 17 (Daily Inspection and Maintenance)
The lessee or the driver shall inspect the leased car in accordance with Article 47-2 (daily inspection preparation) of the Road Transport Vehicle Law before using it every day, and carry out necessary preparations.
Article 18 (Prohibited Acts)
The lessee or driver shall not perform the following acts during use.
1. Leasing without the consent of the company and permission based on the Road Transport Act, etc.

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